Are you getting in your own way?

Self Sabotage is running with the conventional programming that we have all been exposed to since primary school. More recently, what is perceived as socially acceptable from all forms of media and our peer group, steers us subconsciously toward what everyone else is doing. The more you take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually without self sabotage – the better your overall health and outlook on life becomes. With clarity away from the self-destructive habits comes improved focus toward your aim.

Hey Coach

Hi, I’m Greg, your prospective Freedom from Self Sabotage Coach.

Christoff Certified Self Sabotage Coaches are dedicated healers who understand that success in life, however you define success, is directly linked to the beliefs, rituals, ideas, traditions and routines we act out and believe daily.

Working with a Freedom From Self Sabotage coach will help you see through what has been holding you back and why. Together we re-align with new beliefs and very healthy habits to get you back on the path to where you want to go. Life is more about the experience AND journey, rather than than the destination. As your coach, I can mentor you by helping you put energy into the simple (not necessarily easy) life changes that are going to make the biggest differences. Once you have seen some progress and start feeling great, the rest of your self sabotage habits will tend to self correct.

As your Coach

As your coach I will highlight consistencies in your behaviour and show you how your own thinking really isn’t your own. I then give you actionable steps to move forward. I help you to stop repeating your own common mistakes, then keep you failing forward and upward.

About Self Sabotage

What is Self Sabotage

Self Sabotage can be poisoning yourself with easy or fast food, not getting enough sleep, drinking, smoking, staring at the screen, buying into the propaganda, paying attention to group think and going along to get along. This is a survival mechanism, you are just trying to fit into the herd for the sake of familiarity and seeking safety by not standing out.

Why are you at the job that helps someone elses’ dreams come to life? If you are unhealthy and not thinking critically for yourself you can never stand out in a good way or really achieve anything worthwhile. This is blunt but also the truth. As your coach I can help you stand out, not fit in.

How it happens

A lot of people ask for permission on how to live their life, by looking to society to see if what they really want to do is socially acceptable, lawful, safe, or if it will bring unwanted attention to themselves by not fitting in. As your self sabotage coach I can get you back on the correct path and perhaps help you realise who you really want to be.

How to address it

I will help you re-program yourself after showing you how you are getting in your own way. Most people have tried some self improvement but I will help you put your energy into the right areas. Healing will start from awareness. You will identify where you’re going wrong. We will formulate new habits together.

How we help

Black Sheep Straight Shooter’s Freedom From Self Sabotage Coaching supports you to make the changes you need.

I am a certified Christoff Certified Self Sabotage coach, am qualified to deliver a program that has been proven with clients all over the world for years and have the support of the administration and other coaches. I believe in the program because I was a client myself.

FFSS Certified

How FFSS Coaching works

As your prospective coach, I offer a free 30 minute one on one Zoom session face to face for you to see if we are a good fit for each other. I truly believe I can help anyone and I love what I do. If you decide for us to continue working together, the first and second Freedom From Self Sabotage sessions are mandatory pre-requisites for the Straight Shooter program, sessions four and five. The Straight Shooter program is for high performance people and in particular shooters of all disciplines, work or play. Send me an email at

As your prospective coach, I offer a free 30 minute one on one Zoom session face to face for you to see if we are a good fit for each other. I truly believe I can help anyone and I love what I do. If you decide for us to continue working together, the second and third Freedom From Self Sabotage are mandatory pre-requisites for the Straight Shooter program, sessions four and five. The Straight Shooter program is for high performance people and in particular shooters of all disciplines, work or play. Send me an email at or DM on Instagram @BSSScoaching

What you need to bring to the equation

Firstly, you need to be willing to change, or at the very least take on board what is useful from me and discard the rest. There are a couple of videos to watch, a detailed questionnaire, and you must be very real with myself as your coach. You have to be very honest with yourself also. I find patterns within your questionnaire and during our conversations, then give you tools and action steps to make progress. You will understand why you do what you do. I will champion you on your way to success. I will not fix everything but will empower you to become your best self, free from self sabotage.

Freedom From Self Sabotage 1:1 Coaching

This is the Jason Christoff inspired and proven two session format FFSSC program, tried and true, tailored to you and where you’re at and where you want to go.

Free 30 minute Zoom Consultation FREE
Coaching session 1 $150
Coaching session 2 $150
Additonal Coaching sessions as needed Negotiated

Straight Shooter Program

If you are a high performance person, or want to fast-track your shooting ability / career this is for you.
(pre-requisite is Freedom From Self Sabotage 1:1 Coaching x2 sessions)

Coaching session 1 $150
Coaching session 2 $150
Additonal Coaching sessions as needed Negotiated

Book your free 30 minute phone or Zoom consultation today.

My story

Hi I’m Greg, and welcome to Black Sheep Sharp Shooter, a place where I am helping others make some seriously positive breakthroughs in life recently though the Freedom From Self Sabotage program. I also love bringing out the best in all types of shooters with their shooting endeavours, drawing on my own successes over nearly 20 years.

Why I decided to become a FFSS Coach

I wasn’t happy with where things were heading for me, lack of progress, then decided to do something about it. I myself was a client of a Freedom From Self Sabotage Coach and loved the message. I thought ‘I can do that’ and soon started on my own journey with Freedom From Self Sabotage Coaching (FFSSC) qualification.

When I’m hitting my goal from 1km out, I know how much of that is mostly from healthy habits, not just the effort in that moment.

Greg Hamilton – FFSSC


Short reads to get you to start taking action.

Good trips – Guided mediation

Recently I went along to a guided meditation session, mainly out of curiosity but also to have some quiet time for myself and a new experience. After a busy day at work, the guide hosted a small group at a nice space in a quiet old house with high ceilings and a gas log fire. I run fairly hot most of the time but it was a cool evening and

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Good eggs

It had been quite a long time since I had competed in shooting competition, but a friend asked me to come along for an egg shoot, 100y, 200y, 300y with .22LR rifle on a full-bore range. My 22 was sighted in and trajectory validated at my local range so I thought I’d go along. I was a bit apprehensive at the time commitment for a fun shoot but he sold

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What’s in a Name? The story behind Black Sheep Straight Shooter

Toward the end of primary school and all through high school my nickname was Lamby. Some primary school friends still call me Lamby today, 30 years on. This nickname came about due to my very tight curly blonde hair that looked like lambs wool when I was about 12. I had a few friends put a pencil case full of pencils through my tight curls and the nickname caught on.

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